Call for Papers

PSRE 2025 welcomes academic scholars, engineers and managers from industry around the globe to participate in this event. Cutting-edge topics related to renewable energy, power systems and integrated energy systems will be discussed during the conference. Papers in related topics are welcome to submit to this event. (CFP Flyer Downloading)
The topics are included, but not limited to:

Track 1: Renewable Energy Technologies and Systems

Wind energy, solar energy, nuclear energy, and other renewable energies, outer space energy, hybrid energy systems.

Track 2: Power Generation, Energy Storage and Energy Conversion

Power generation, energy storage, hydrogen and fuel cell, distributed generation, energy conversion and applications.

Track 3: Power System

Power system planning, operation, control and economics.

Track 4: Integrated Energy System

Planning, operation, control and economics of integrated energy systems.

Track 5: Power Electronics Applications

High voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission, flexible alternating current transmission system (FACTS), flexible distribution system.

Track 6: Energy, Carbon and Green Certificate Markets

Mechanism design, price prediction and trading strategies in and interactions among electricity market, carbon emission market, and green certificate market.

Track 7: AI and big data Applications in Power and Integrated Energy Systems

Applications of expert systems, artificial neural networks, large language models, internet of things (IOT), machine learning, big data in power and integrated energy systems

Track 8: Emerging technologies and business models

Virtual power plant, microgrids, source-netowork-load-storage integrated projects, shared energy storage.

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